the end

This has been coming for a while now, but I will be ending all my blogging. I have stopped posting on all other blogs as well and have posted reasons there.

The constant posting on this blog has gotten a bit too much for my schedule and it has become overly repetitive. I have also gotten bogged down to the point that I find myself needing to schedule out posts, which just doesn’t really work well. For my own sanity, I have to cut back on some things, and this blog is one of them.

If you want to continue to hear from me, please check out my YouTube channel where I will be continuing to post videos every Tuesday and Friday at 3PM central time.

Thank you for understanding.


It has been a really busy week but I was able to get my orders finished that have to go out next week (yay for getting ahead) and was able to spend some time relaxing.

Today’s video is the ending of the puzzle game The Navigator and let’s just say things ramped up a little bit. Watch it here. You know the drill – like, comment, subscribe, share, etc. #withcaptions as always.


I was having a bad day, but one of my friends invited me to come on a walk with her, and it was so nice to get out of the house and do something. Wednesdays are my day off working out, and I was still in my work clothes, but it was still nice to get out and move. Forget staying in and subtitling for the day, sometimes you need to unplug and not work.


Honestly, I spent most of the day in a really foul mood. I did manage to get some things done around the house and some subtitling, but overall, not the best day. There are days like this, even in Australia, or so I’ve been told.


Another Monday in the books. I got back into my normal workout routine for mostly the first time since the Tough Mudder, which was a bit of a shock. I did have my normal Saturday but it was finally time to get back into the longer runs. I didn’t really have a post Tough Mudder plan for my workouts and I had debated stopping or dialing back but forget that. I like the results I am getting and the way it makes me feel so, no more guilt if I am sick or just not able to workout that day, but I am not changing it otherwise (other than maybe mixing up the workouts themselves).

Today’s vlog is the promised story of my Tough Mudder complete with photos from the event and before. Watch here and leave a comment while you are there. Remember sharing is caring and don’t forget to subscribe while you are there. #withcaptions as always.


I had a super productive day – taught class, took turbo, got myself flowers, edited two videos, filmed two videos, etc. It wasn’t everything that I had planned but it was a really good effort and there is always Sunday for the rest of it. Plus it gave me time to sit on my couch and watch a gaming live stream while talking with a friend for a few hours, aka self care.


Finally Friday. Short weeks always feel like long weeks. But I did get a bunch of knitting done after work and managed to finally lift again after the Tough Mudder. I am still sore, but it is good to be slowly getting back into it.


It is really odd for me still to not be teaching on Thursdays, but I am liking the implications to my social life.

Today’s video is the first part of the Navigator, a cute puzzle game that is incidentally free on Steam. Watch the video here. Don’t forget to like and subscribe while you are there, sharing is caring, all that jazz. #withcaptions