
It has been a really busy week but I was able to get my orders finished that have to go out next week (yay for getting ahead) and was able to spend some time relaxing.

Today’s video is the ending of the puzzle game The Navigator and let’s just say things ramped up a little bit. Watch it here. You know the drill – like, comment, subscribe, share, etc. #withcaptions as always.


Another Monday in the books. I got back into my normal workout routine for mostly the first time since the Tough Mudder, which was a bit of a shock. I did have my normal Saturday but it was finally time to get back into the longer runs. I didn’t really have a post Tough Mudder plan for my workouts and I had debated stopping or dialing back but forget that. I like the results I am getting and the way it makes me feel so, no more guilt if I am sick or just not able to workout that day, but I am not changing it otherwise (other than maybe mixing up the workouts themselves).

Today’s vlog is the promised story of my Tough Mudder complete with photos from the event and before. Watch here and leave a comment while you are there. Remember sharing is caring and don’t forget to subscribe while you are there. #withcaptions as always.


It is really odd for me still to not be teaching on Thursdays, but I am liking the implications to my social life.

Today’s video is the first part of the Navigator, a cute puzzle game that is incidentally free on Steam. Watch the video here. Don’t forget to like and subscribe while you are there, sharing is caring, all that jazz. #withcaptions


I had the day off of work which was 100% needed. I was able to get my videos edited for the week and have a super fast turn around, which isn’t my preference, but oh well. I also got a chance to stretch a bit and get a few things done around the house. Back to the grind.

Come get ready with me for my Tough Mudder! Video here. Don’t forget to subscribe, video on the experience will be coming next week. And share the video while you are there. #withcaptions as always.


I completed my last long run before the Tough Mudder that is coming up so quickly. I will be starting to taper my workouts nearing the end of the week so this was the last super long full out one. I am still on the elliptical so hitting actual ground with my feet is going to be a shock. I will do what I can. If you couldn’t tell, I’m a bit nervous.

So it should come at no surprise that I am an odd duck, but today’s video will fully solidify that. Watch my user manual here. Please share this one, it was in my brain for a while and HAD to be made. And subscribe while you are there. #withcaptions as always.


I was able to find Hand to the Queen beer and try it. These special releases by Ommegang are difficult to find if you aren’t by the brewery and they go fast. I am really excited for Mother of Dragons that should be out at the end of September.

This most recent road trip did NOT have a good bathroom ratio. Watch here to see what I mean. While you are there, leave me a comment about any road trip bathroom stories you have, share the video, and subscribe. #withcaptions as always.


I managed to make it through my first day back at work since the vacation. It is quite jarring to go back and it was really nice to not have to commute or sit in a cubicle all day, but oh well. Back into the swing of things.

I’ve noticed a few comments on my fivehead recently, so here is my response video. Y’all wish you could be in the fivehead club. Share the video with all the fiveheads and wannabe fiveheads in your life (hint, that’s everyone). Don’t forget to subscribe while you are there. #withcaptions as always ❤


Ok I am back. I know it has been a little bit, but I was on vacation visiting family. I made it back safe but I miss them.

This is the last time I play this infernal game. Forget the Dummy Experiment, I am done. Watch the last time here. #withcaptions as always. Share my pain (and the video).


I had a really busy run around day, but I got everything done. I will be taking a short break from posting for a bit, excepting some scheduled posts for my uploaded videos. Don’t worry, I’ll be back.

Let’s revisit Ultimate Custom Night and see how terrible I can be again, check it out here. Sharing is caring. #withcaptions